Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's Your Sign?

Really, it should be "what's your sticker?" I'm sure you haven't missed all the stickers adorning everyone's cars and trucks.  It's ridiculous, really.  Okay, you drive a must like the Chevy.  Do you really need a Chevy-emblem sticker on your car, not to mention the "Calvin pissing on a Ford logo" sticker to prove your point?

Speaking of the Calvin stickers...ugh.  I love Calvin and Hobbes.  My first tattoo?  Calvin.  I have several of the comic collections.  I bet Bill Watterson's soul dies a little bit every time a bastardized version of his creation is shown praying in front of a cross or, as I mentioned before, pissing on something.

I just don't understand what people are trying to say with their stickers.  Stick family?  I get that.  A flower? like to garden?  You've been to Hawaii?  I have no idea.   Hand grenade made out of bones?  Not so much.  I'm sure there's some urban-hipster meaning behind the vague stickers, and I'm sure I fall into the "if you don't get it, you won't get it" camp, but frankly, I think it looks lame. 

Maybe I just don't feel passionate enough to stick something on my car that will take a ton of time and Goo Gone to remove, or maybe I just like my car too much to mess it up with a sticker that may or may not be relevant in a week, month, or year.  

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