Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bay Brag

I've talked about Boo a time or two, but not much about Bay, so here's an entire post dedicated to her...

1.  She's talking in sentences!  My mom was watching her yesterday and Bay was sleeping when my  mom left.  15 minutes after she woke up from her nap, she looked around and did the "huh?" shoulder shrug and asked, "Where Baba go?"  Other favorites are, "I lal oo Mama!" ("I love you Mama!" Or Dada or Dacky--which is what she calls Boo)  "Me eat peese!" and "Um here, Mama!  Now!"  Um, I said she was talking I didn't say she was tactful about it.

2.  She's polite!  Her recent addition is, "You melcome," after saying thank you.  Last night, before bed, she took her ketchup-encrusted Elmo plate (gotta have ketchup with chicken nuggets, yo!) and tossed it in the sink.  Awwwww.  Maybe I can train her to unload the dishwasher and pair socks too.

3.  She's empathetic! She gives kisses if you're hurt.  You're usually hurt because she is also biting, but still...  I *did* stub my little toe on the corner of the wall in the kitchen and she asked me, "You otay Mama?" and came over and rubbed my back.  This was, of course,  after I freaked her out by yelling, "MOTHER FUCKER!" at the top of my lungs.  You know, I really should start watching my language around her. (See item number 1.)

4.  She's tall!  She's pushing the envelope on her 24-month and 2T clothes, especially in the arm length, but all the 3T stuff is sooooo big on her.  She's going to be tall and skinny like Babe, that's for sure.  She's comes to Boo's shoulder now, and they're a little over 2 years apart.

Now, I present...the Bay!
Bread+Nutella=Happy Girl!

Yayyyyyyy! Leaves!

Snuggling with Dada.

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