Ah, the ubiquitous "Top Ten List'...These are in no particular order. Yes, I'm crabby.
1. Stopping at McDonald's *just* for a fountain Diet Coke, driving away, and finding that they forgot the straw. (I now hoard straws in my glove box, just for that occasion. Thanks to Sarah Z. for the suggestion!)
2. People that give me the stink-eye when one of my kids is being a douche in a public place. Chances are, if I'm ignoring it, it's because I've tried everything else--other than beating the child. I'm going to let it go, so should you.
3. Parents of students that always think the teachers/administrators/school system is "out to get" their kid and question everything. Dear Parents, sometimes, you have a jackass of a kid. That's not to say that there are teachers that suck, because there are, but most of the time, the student is being a turd, and the teachers are doing what they need to do to ensure that the rest of the students (you know, the ones *not* being a dumbass) are receiving an education.
4. Migraines.
5. Holiday (or really, and kind of) shopping. I agonize over what to get the people that I care about and it stresses me out. Add that to the eleventy-bajillion, stressed out people, lack of parking, and spending money, it's a frelling nightmare.
6. Wind. I mean, what the hell is it good for? Oh, I know, there's all sorts of sciency reasons we need wind, but really, all it does is mess up my hair, make the temperature colder, and blows shit into my yard.
7. Speaking of shit...People who let their dog shit in my yard and then leave it. If *you* don't want to pick it up, what makes you think *I* do?
8. "Reality" TV, or really, the idiots that get paid a ton of money because they're "reality" stars. (Jersey Shore cast, I'm looking at you!) Did you know that Snooki gets something like $200,000 to just SHOW UP at a red carpet event. Um, it would take me 4 years to make that much money. The Situation is supposed to earn 5 million bucks this year...for what? Showing off his abs? Ugh. Of course, I watch the damn show...
9. Drivers who don't follow the "this line, that line" rule. As if cutting me off and not letting me go in front of you will get you to your destination *that* much faster. Um, did you happen to see the 500 cars in front of you? Didn't think so.
10. Cats. Really, it's not their fault, I'm just deathly allergic and can't be in a house with one for more than an hour or two before my respiratory system is compromised.
So, there you have it. Things that bother me, today, at least.
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