Christmases in my family, especially since having kids, resemble scenes from Caligula...or at least what I assume scenes from that movie to be--since I've never seen it, but heard enough about it and I have an active enough imagination to get a pretty clear picture of what those scenes were about. (And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking's Caligula for crying out loud!)
Anyway, our holiday was a veritable orgy of food, drink, presents, kids yelling and running around, us driving all over town (usually speeding because we were late) and just the feeling of STRESS. With me having a blended family (so there's Boo's dad and his family that we had to work with), my brother being married with kids, Babe being close to his family (so Christmas is a "big deal") me being close to my family (again, "big deal" holiday) it was just in.sane. and Babe and I spent most of the time running around like chickens with our heads cut off and it was frelling miserable.
Then, this year happened. My sister and sister-in-law are both nurses...working Christmas Eve-Day and Christmas Eve-Night, respectively. SIL and my mom got the idea to get together and celebrate on the 23rd, or Christmas Eve-Eve...sheer brillance! We still overindulged on wine, food, presents, and general family-style mayhem but then, Babe and I got to come home, put the kids to bed and just...chill.
No frantic wrapping of presents, no last minute trips to the store, no waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to open presents and then rush over the my in-laws so they can spend time with Boo before he goes to dad's...glorious I tell you.
The best part, and what I think is the BEST present I could have gotten is the chance to have some time with my family. A time to start creating some traditions of our far, on the agenda, we have: making Amanda Rocks for Santa, writing him a letter, pulling all the blankets off the beds and piling them in the living room to watch movies, popping popcorn and then reading "T'was the Night Before Christmas". Oh, our Christmas Eve dinner? Cheesesteaks from Yo Philly! I can't wait...
Merry Christmas everyone!
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