Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Evolution Will Not Be Televised!

(But I am going to blog about it...)

Ahhhhh, New Year's...a time to work off the hangover and make a bunch of resolutions that won't see the light of February.

Or maybe not...

On Facebook yesterday, the founder/owner of Tokyo Joe's (a Japanese-y type of quick food place--think Noodles and Co. but with Asian flavors) posted this: "...and to steal a phrase (thanks Lindsey) ... go make yourself a great NEW YEAR'S "EVOLUTION" ... better than just a Resolution :)
It's Time Out to Re-invent Yourself ... so make 2011 YOUR best year ever."

(Yes, I'm friends with "Tokyo Joe's.)

As cheesy as it sounds, it got me shouldn't be about "resolving" to completely change, but life should be about "evolving" into a better you.  I like the idea of evolution--I am a godless heathen after all and I *do* consider Darwin one of my peeps--so if I embrace the thought of evolving into a better AimCo and then take steps (baby steps, mind you) to become the better AimCo, then I really will evolve into a better me by the end of the year.

So, here's what I'm thinking...I want to:

1. Evolve into a better teacher/educator:  I don't phone it in that often--I'm not a teacher that will do the same thing overandoverandover again because I know that it worked once.  However, I'm becoming more disenchanted with the education system--the changes, the battles we fight, the shit teachers take from the media, parents, administrators, the district, the union, the school boards, etc. Instead of just letting the changes happen to me, I want to be a force of change within the system.  Crazy, right? 

How do I do this?  No fucking clue.  ;D  I think my first step is to get my EdS (Education Specialist) degree with the emphasis in education.  I have my Masters, but I think in order to move ahead, I need the admin experience. I DO NOT want to be in administration in the traditional sense of the word--I don't want to be in charge of a building.  I get my feelings hurt too easily to do that, but I think knowing how schools work will help me get out of one.

Another think I need to go to evolve my career is to dump the thankless shit that I do in my building: Student Council, planning the yearly trip, being the "go to" person for everyone.  I need to quit, period.  Frankly, I never get props for it, very few people care, and frankly it takes a ton of time and energy away from other things I could be doing.

2. Evolve into a better wife/mother:  See above.  By letting go of some the things that I do at work, I can focus more energy into my family.  I want more family dinners, I want less time spent on cleaning up the disaster-area my house can become, I want to have more fun and quality time.

In order to do that, I need to be more organized. Today is a start.  I prepped as much food as I could for the week (lots of chopping going on) and labeled everything I could.  I've made a Google calendar with EVERYTHING on it so I know exactly what's going on.  I'm going to plan my clothes for the week so I'm not stressing out about what to wear.  Finally, I'm going to be asleep by 9 (yes, 9!) so I can get up in the morning around 5 and not run around crazy to get ready.  (In order to faciltitate this, there may be some Xanax ingesting, but hey, whatever works, right?)

3. Evolve into a healthier me: I need to become more focused on my health.  See above...that whole meal planning/prepping thing is so we're not eating crap at the last minute because there's nothing in the house.  I'm turning my classroom into a mini-workout studio where I can work out after school on a regular basis.  Once I get home, I'm on mom-duty and I won't work out.  So, in my room it is.  I also ordered a Polar FT7 heart rate monitor so I can track my progress and really see how many calories I'm burning.  Babe and I are also taking a "sober week" once a month to just give our bodies a chance to detox.  Yes, I know if I just avoided alcohol altogether I wouldn't have to worry about it, but I'm vodka's bitch and I just can't quit it. 

Notice how the 3 things fit together?  I figure if I keep with the K.I.S.S. philosophy, I should be able to make some changes and I won't overwhelm my brain.  I'll keep you posted.

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