Friday, October 29, 2010

Philosophical Phriday

I composed most of this while walking on the track around my school, so I apologize if it's a bit scattered.  (And apologizes to Prince, as well, since I pretty much lifted ^that^ line from "1999".) I got a good walk in today, a little over a mile, it was sunny, I had a gorgeous view of the downtown Denver skyline from one side of the track and some...nature, I guess on the other side of the track.  It was a nice reminder of why I love living here.

I was going to do today's post about a kid in my class that I call "Frodo".  He's short, has curly hair, and the first time I met him, he said, "My name is X!  I look like Frodo!"

So, I'm walking along, jamming to the VNV Nation station on Pandora Radio and thinking about what I wanted to say about Frodo.  The whole point to my Frodo post was going to show my "positive side" because a friend of mine saw the 3 whole posts I'd done up until now and sent me a text, "Nice blog!! Bitter??" (BTW, thanks Octogon...)

As I'm thinking about what to say about Frodo, the title "I wish I had a million more..." pops into my head because that's a phrase that I say at conferences to let parents know that their kids are great, which got me thinking about all the times I bitch about my job or the kids or the district, or youknowwhatimean.

Frankly, I don't know if I can be sunshiny and sweetness, because I use all of that on my kids--the ones I carried for 9 months and the one that count on me to entertain and educate them for 9 months out of the year.

So, I might be bitter, but I'm still kinda cute.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Parents,

If your child is too sick to come in the morning, most likely, they are too sick to come in the afternoon.  I'd like to keep my classroom semi-crud free this cold and flu season. 


What's Your Sign?

Really, it should be "what's your sticker?" I'm sure you haven't missed all the stickers adorning everyone's cars and trucks.  It's ridiculous, really.  Okay, you drive a must like the Chevy.  Do you really need a Chevy-emblem sticker on your car, not to mention the "Calvin pissing on a Ford logo" sticker to prove your point?

Speaking of the Calvin stickers...ugh.  I love Calvin and Hobbes.  My first tattoo?  Calvin.  I have several of the comic collections.  I bet Bill Watterson's soul dies a little bit every time a bastardized version of his creation is shown praying in front of a cross or, as I mentioned before, pissing on something.

I just don't understand what people are trying to say with their stickers.  Stick family?  I get that.  A flower? like to garden?  You've been to Hawaii?  I have no idea.   Hand grenade made out of bones?  Not so much.  I'm sure there's some urban-hipster meaning behind the vague stickers, and I'm sure I fall into the "if you don't get it, you won't get it" camp, but frankly, I think it looks lame. 

Maybe I just don't feel passionate enough to stick something on my car that will take a ton of time and Goo Gone to remove, or maybe I just like my car too much to mess it up with a sticker that may or may not be relevant in a week, month, or year.  

Sunday, October 24, 2010

And so it begins...


Long story short, I used to fancy myself a writer, so I've tried, in vain to try this "blogging" that all the kids are talking about these days.  I also, however, lacked focus, time, or the ability to maintain anything longer than 2 minutes.  (Okay, that sounded dirty...whatever.)

I've started a ranty, sarcasm-filled blog, I've started a "Project 365" blog.  I've started a "hey, this is what my kids are doing" blog.  None of them have managed to keep my attention for more than a couple of months.

I do find myself thinking, "Heh, that was funny/infuriating/sad/happy!  I should write it down."  But I never do...until now.

This blog will serve as the dumping ground for my brain...if there's not too much crap floating around in there, I might actually be able to sleep at night with the help of Xanax.  Some days, it will be a recipe.  Others, a cute pic of the kids.  I'll vent about work, stupid people on the road, and in the world.  This won't be completely anonymous, except for when I'm talking about my job.  I don't need any crazy parents getting all sue-happy because I posted a story about their precious son jerking-off in math class.  (Yes.  This does happen.)

So, there you have it.  My very-19th blog.