Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's the End of the World As We Know It...

I love it when t.v. shows use the same gimmick when they're naming their Friends using "The one with the..." or The Mentalist using a shade of red somewhere in the title, as a shout-out to the uber-villain "Red John".  There's a show (or two or three...I'm not sure) that uses song titles--Grey's Anatomy perhaps? (I quit watching that depression-fest a couple of seasons ago.)

Although I'm not using a tool such as the "reoccurring themed title" for my posts, if I were...well, this R.E.M. opus would have been at the top of my list to use.  I have an idea for another post entitled "Losing My Religion" which has totally different connotations for me than you might think.  Man, I really loved R.E.M. in high school and college...they lost me there for a bit, as did U2.  While I think Bono is a great guy and and get hot for The Edge, I just can't get into their music the way I used to.

I digress.

You're shocked. I know.

So, the whole part of this post is to lament the end of my summer break.  But, once I start thinking about it...I'm actually excited to go back, just like I am every year.  (Why yes, I am a glutton for punishment.)

Summer, for me, isn't really a break. I spend the majority of my time doing...well...shit that I needed to do all school year long, but I didn't have the time for.  Like what, you ask?  Um. Like laundry.  Cleaning the house. Cleaning out the closets. Giving crap to the Goodwill. Getting rid of size NB diapers (Bay is TWO!). Potty training Bay. Teaching Boo how to ride a bike (okay, I totally give that one to Babe...he did it, not me.)  Blah, blah, blah, I'm doing those things that other people seem to find the time for in the normal course of their lives.

I don't know why I can't get stuff done during the school year, but I can't.  I do know that Babe and I are both famous for burning the candle at both ends, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.  I also know that if I'm faced with the choice of spending time with the kids at the pool or grading papers--well, the papers will lose.  Every. Single. Time.

I'm also excited about the beginning of a new school year.  It's time to meet new families, new kids, try new things in my classroom...but really, I'm just excited that I have an excuse to leave the piles of laundry in the laundry room for days on end.

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