Monday, December 6, 2010

A Little Bit o' This, A Little Bit o' That

It's been a while...

Since my last post:
*Bay turned 2
 *I drove from Broomfield, Colorado to Omaha, Nebraska with my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, 2 nieces, sister, her dog, Babe, Boo, and Bay.  Other than Bay puking all over me right before we got to my aunt's house and the HORRIBLE wind, the trip out and back was pretty uneventful.  I got to see my cousin, whom I haven't seen in years, my aunt, my uncle, as well as my grandmother (who doesn't remember who the heck I am, but is a hoot to listen to--she told all of us to "go to Hell" at Thanksgiving dinner.)
*In the same trip, visited my grandparents' house, went to see University of Nebraska kick the snot out of CU, and hung out with my siblings.  I, unfortunately, didn't get to see my old drinking buddy, Jody, but, hey, tickets there are CHEAP!
*Played a soccer goal...those of you that know me understand how hil-frelling-larious this is.  Needless to say, we got our asses handed to us.
*Babe's 8th grade boys basketball team won their championship game.  Go them!
*Babe and I both managed to get sick at the same time.  Sore throat, hacking times at our house sure to be on their way.

Meh.  That's all I got.  

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