Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shopping Hell

People that know me know that I'm not the best shopper in the world.  In fact, I shop like a man.  I like to get in, get out, and get it done. <insert dirty joke here>

That being said, I really enjoy grocery shopping--I know where everything is, so it's easy for me to grab what I need with little disruption or stress...unless the grocery shopping involves a trip to Costco.

I made what I hope was to be a "quick trip" but seeing how it was the Saturday before Thanksgiving, I clearly was delusional. Parking lot?  Packed.  Carts?  None to be found (good thing I grabbed one from the parking lot...mama didn't raise no dummy!)  Inside?  Shopping anarchy--people hovering like vultures around the sample stations; shoppers just STOPPING in the middle of the aisles to sit and chat with their neighbors; people going up the down side...AWFUL.

I tried to follow the accepted rules for shopping...I moved my cart out of the way when I needed to stop and look for something; I paid attention to my surroundings so if I DID need to move my cart, I could with a quickness; I attempted to stay to the right side of each aisle...but due to the sheer and utter chaos that was Costco, my attempts were an exercise in futility.

Fortunately, I won't need to return to Costco until well after Thanksgiving.  Did I mention that Costco is across the street from the mall?  And it's almost Christmas?  Oy.

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